MUET alumnus included in the Stanford University’s Top 2% World Scientists list

Dr. Ali Hassan Sodhro, 04-Batch of Telecommunication Engineering is included in the Stanford University’s Top 2% World Scientists list, due to his remarkable contribution in ‘e-Health Care, Smart and Pervasive Healthcare, Medical IoT, and 5G’.

Dr. Sodhro obtained his PhD in 2016 from University Chinese Academy of Sciences, under CAS-Fully funded scholarship to work on the E-healthcare, Wireless Body Sensors Networks, Medical-QoS and Telemedicine at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (CAS, SIAT), Shenzhen, China.

Dr. Sodhro is the recipient of the prestigious ERASMUS MUNDUS Postdoctoral Fellowship award at University Lumiere Lyon 2, France and Linkoping University, Sweden, also he is an awardee of CAS President’s International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI), China as a Visiting Scientists from Jan 2020 to June2021

Dr. Sodhro is the author/co-author of 70 Research Journal & International conference Proceeding Papers in top-notch venues such as, IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine, IEEE IoT-J, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, IEEE Access, information Fusion-Elsevier, IEEE FGCS-Elsevier, IEEE ICC, IEEE VTC, and 6 Book Chapters. 

He has impressive skills of team lead and research project management, grant proposal writing in such as, Horizon 2020, national science foundation, China (NSFC), VR-Sweden, and HEC-Startup. He has received various project grants and travel grants at international level. Besides, he has supervised and co-supervised several PhD, MS and BS students in different countries such as, Canada, France, Italy, Sweden, China and Pakistan. 

Dr. Sodhro has served as lead Guest Editor of special issues in several top-notch impact factor journals such as, MDPI Sensors (April 2018-Aug.2019), Sustainable Computing, Elsevier (April 2018 to Dec.2019), and organizer, PC and TPC of several top-notch workshops and conferences in such as, IEEE VTC 2019, 2020, and 2021, IEEE iCoMET 2017, at international level. He is potential reviewer of various high impact factor journals such as, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics, IEEE IoT-J, IEEE Sensors Journals, IEEE Networks, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Access, Information Fusion-Elsevier, IEEE FGCS-Elsevier, and Wireless Personal Communication-Springer and so on.

Currently, he is working as an Assistant Professor at Sukkur IBA University, Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan, visiting Lecturer atGothenburg University, Sweden, visiting researcher at Lulea University of Technology, Lulea, Sweden, and visiting scientists at CAS, SIAT Shenzhen China.

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