MUET Graduate goes global: Sanjay Kumar graduate of 15 Batch of Computer Systems Engineering, MUET received the triple degree of master’s in Image Processing and Computer Vision fully funded by the European Union. This master’s program was a triple degree specialized in Computer Vision; each semester was in three partner countries (Hungary, Spain & France).

He started his journey of bachelor’s in the field of Computer Systems Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro (2015-2018). During his bachelor’s he was selected for the fully funded exchange program in the USA among 10,000 students from Pakistan, to study for one semester in the USA. Overall, in his bachelor’s, he secured 2nd position in Computer Systems Department with a CGPA of 3.94/4.00.
In September 2022 he graduated with a triple degree of master’s in Image Processing and Computer Vision, fully funded by the European Union. This master’s program was a triple degree specialized in Computer Vision; each semester was in three partner countries (Hungary, Spain & France).
The fourth semester was an industrial internship to do a master’s thesis. He successfully defended his master’s thesis entitled “3D Human Action Recognition in sports and healthcare” in an AI startup in France. It was a fantastic journey with a lot of challenges and memories.
We wish him all the best in his future endeavors!