Prof. Dr. Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry Former Dean and Meritorious Professor Faculty of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro has become the first Professor from Pakistan who has become an Editorial Board member of the Prestigious “Springer International Journal of Wireless Personal Communications” along with distinguished professors of USA, Finland, Singapore, France, Denmark, China, Norway, Bulgaria, India, Thailand, UK, South Korea, Japan, Spain, Portugal, Netherland, Turkey, and Luxembourg.
International Springer Wireless Personal Communications is an archival, peer-reviewed, scientific, and technical journal addressing mobile communications and computing. It investigates the theoretical, engineering, and experimental aspects of radio communications, voice, data, images, and multimedia. A partial list of topics included in the journal is propagation, system models, speech and image coding, multiple access techniques, protocols performance evaluation, radio local area networks, and networking and architectures.
At present Prof. BS is working as Professor Emeritus and HEC Distinguished National Professor at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro. MUET Alumni congratulates Prof. Chowdhry on getting this honor and making the country proud with his contributions.